YEAR: 2013
LOCATION: Lima, Peru

In Lima we learn something very special: here ways of working together have names. They are used to indicate what type of cooperation is expected of you.
The concepts come from indigenous communities. These functioned autonomously, without government or other authority. Helping eachother was not the question. How you help each other is explained in those words.

A wonderful example of collaboration we encounter in the mountains. Here we see a Faena in action. Sunday morning 7.30: A new road is build on the single free day in the week. The only way to make a road is working together as residents, the municipality does not come here. New self-built homes will be build alongside it. The foreman is Francesco, pointing out with hand gestures where the stone should be.

We have translated the concepts to drawings. We use them to illustrate what collaboration we would like to use in a project. Everyone we show the drawings understands what we are talking about.
This new knowledge is used to explain participatory planning in the workshops for civil servants we provide with NIROV.

making a road by means of a FAENA
FOCUS: new old forms of organisation



- transform knowledge to apllication

- extension of vocabulary of cooperation
forman Francesco gives instructions
workshop NIROV 2013

AYNI a neighbor service, help one on one. I borrowed a shovel, I'll help you to load your cart.
MINKA: a work performed together for one beneficiary. For example, laying a roof on a house. The making of a fence. In exchange for this service, the receiver offers the helpers food and drink.
Faena: working together for a common good. Plowing the common field, repairing the road. You take your own food and drink. A Faena you can not refuse. That would be antisocial.
MITA: perform work alternately for the common good. Often commissioned by the authority. For example, the cleaning of a riverbed for a perriod of a year. For this, you get a compensation from the authoroties.
